Unleash the Thrills at The Salem Magic Show!
Experience a chilling blend of magic and mystery at The Salem Haunted Magic Show! This interactive theatrical performance delves into the bizarre real-life happenings of Salem, weaving together spooky ghost stories with impossible feats of magic.
Prepare to be amazed, maybe a little scared! While suitable for all ages, this show isn't your typical children's magic presentation. Get ready for a thrilling and engaging experience that will leave you spellbound.
Don't miss out! Tickets for The Salem Haunted Magic Show tend to disappear fast! Secure your spot in advance online or visit our box office in Salem to purchase tickets in person.
Get ready for a magical night in Salem!
Unveil the Dark Arts at The Salem Magic Show
Experience a chilling blend of mind-reading and magic, inspired by the mysterious turn-of-the-century mentalists. Join us for our new, immersive performance opening on September 14th and continuing through to November 2nd, in Salem.
Our interactive show is filled with illusions, mind-reading demonstrations, and eerie experiences that will captivate audiences of all ages. While not a kid's magic show by any means. Our show is designed for all ages, so bring the kids! We do gear the show more towards a slightly older audience and adults.
Don't miss this unforgettable journey into the unknown. Get your tickets today!